Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Think, Robin, think!

Life is so comical sometimes. In a moment of unreserved thinking, I let my sister-in-law, Jeanie, know that I had created a blog for myself. Sometime in December, yes I did say December, I thought blogging sounded fun and so I decided to set one up. Which I did, much to my lack of computer savvy-ness. (I am not sure that is a word which is why I don't blog. I am always trying to do something too "correctly" and I drive myself crazy and then quit.) Anyway, I enjoyed the whole set up part but never blogged a thing.Then I had another brainstorm to do a devotional blog called do-votions. Set that one up too, enjoyed the whole process and I actually blogged one whole (very long, I might add), do-votion. (check out

Today, while perusing through my favorite blogs, I noticed on Jeanie's blog that she has my blog listed under her favorite blogs. I nearly had a heart attack. (Well, not really, which is another reason I don't blog...I can sometimes be a little dramatic.) Needless to say, I jumped right on here and thought I must post something. Anything would be better than nothing. So here it is my first blog literally about nothing. But please check back. I really am going to blog something with a little more interest than this. I promise. Maybe even today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK-you can see I read this last. Hahhhahahhhha!! Yes, I thought it might inspire you to write! Funny!