I am mainly writing this post so I can quickly show my dad the treasure I found today. But, the rest of you may find this interesting too.
I was on the hunt for something I could make into a hope chest for our daughter Christiana's Christmas present. I looked at furniture stores but they were expensive and ugly. I drove to Bristol, SD in hopes of digging one out of their massive collection of "one man's junk is another man's treasure" pile. I searched antique stores to no avail. So,I finally gave in to buying a cheap toy box and making the best of it.
I really do think this turned out cute and the size fits perfectly in our overstuffed house but, then I found this, the Monday after Christmas, at Salvation Army.
I could not believe that I had hunted for weeks for something to make into a hope chest and after Christmas this actual, old hope chest was sitting there. The more I looked the more I wanted to buy it but, I knew Christiana would already feel sentimentally attached to the one she received on Christmas Day so, heart sick as I was, I left without it.
This morning I woke up, still thinking about this hope chest. I decided that if it was still at Salvation Army, I was going to use my Christmas money and buy it for myself. I just felt emotionally attached to this thing. And I think I know why.
I know you can hardly see this but on the inside of the lid, in pencil, are the words written in cursive, with love I'm sure, "Margaret from Bob December 25, 1939."
How sweet is that! Who would ever give this away? So, in honor of Margaret and Bob, I am treasuring their treasure. I am going to restore it back to what it should look like, not painted, self. (For all you who know I paint everything, this is one thing, oh and the china cabinet my dad built for me, I will never paint.)And since Margaret and Bob's family didn't have anyone to pass it on to, I will pass it on to someone in my family...hopefully a sweet little granddaugher, one day. And I will never erase the penciled inscription.
Here's the rest of the photos for you, dad, so you can look at all the details and share my excitement with me.
(the back is ugly but thought the hardware was interesting)
By the way....was doing some research on the Internet. This is a Cavalier brand hope chest which is the cadillac of hope chests, so they say. Also, the little placard thing pictured on the inside lid adds 10% value. This hope chest is definately much simpler, not quite as ornate as some I have seen while researching. But, I love it all the same.
very very cool! i want to get one for sophia :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE it, Robin! That is so cool. I also love that you did that for Christiana for Christmas. That turned out beautifully. We sure are sentimental, aren't we?
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